
IMHammeredBrewing Recipes

IMHammered Brewing's Fantastic Beer Recipes. This page will have not only great recipes but descriptions of how these beers turned out, and best of all, how they TASTED!

Recipe Outline:
All recipes will be either extract with grains, or partial mash. This is because this is how about 95% of homebrewers actually brew. All grain brewing is more advanced and does require an investment in some level of equipment. Partial mash brewing can generally be done with the basic kitchen instruments of destruction that you currently have, and if not, you can probably borrow what you need from an unsuspecting neighber. If you wish to see any of these recipes scaled to all-grain, drop an e-mail and I will be happy to post an all-grain version.
Recipes will generally have the following ingredients and information:
1. Steeping Grains
2. Malt Extract type and consistency
3. Hops, including bittering, flavor, and finishing
4. Yeast strain recommended
5. Step by Step instructions
If you are looking at recipes on this site and have any questions or comments, email the brewer and I will do my best to answer them in a timely fashion and in great detail. When the 8 or so seconds of my answer have ended, then you will know as much as I don't.
Have fun and happy brewing. Bottoms up, Refill, Repeat.
--Mark, the Brewer
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Thursday, October 09, 2003

Recipe #3
Parrot Pete's One Particular Porter
Coming soon!
posted by Michael Behringer  # 9:34 AM


09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003   10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003   11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003  

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